We have expertise in Taxes, Accounting and Auditing, offering consulting services in Management, Transfer Prices, Systems, Finances, as well as in Tax matters.
The quality of our work has given us experience in many companies, industrial and commercial, such as Print shops, Newspapers, Schools, Currency Exchange, Real Estate Management, Telecommunications Industries, Hotels and Restaurants.
We have been authorized by the Federal Authority to assure the validity of corporate tax returns for Internal Revenue purposes, and are authorized by the Mexican Social Security Institute, the Institute for the National Promotion of Workers Housing and local authorities, to audit the reported contributions. We are also members of the Public Accountant School of Mexico. This society is very prestigious and has high educational standards that must be met before membership is granted. Membership can only be maintained by continuous educational requirements meeting.
We also are members of the Mexican Public Accountant Institute, whose main objective is to maintain at a higher quality level the educational standards of all the members through the fulfillment of the norms of continuous professional education.
We have the necessary facilities and human resources to achieve our mission and commitment to our clients.

In the year of 2005, we obtain the certification of the Mexican Public Accountant Institute by the presentation of the knowledge exam that for that purpose the Institute has designed in the subjects of Accounting, Auditing, Costs, Taxes, Finance, Law and Professional ethics, whit outstanding results.
In HPH y Cía., we are for you, if you have any doubt or comment you want to let us know, write to us and we will be in contact with you shortly.